Quietly and quietly I wish to get into your harbor
to float on your sea.
Quietly and quietly I want to enter your ocean
and see what lies beneath its surface,
I could be your sailor or your star
who guides your ships.
I would drop my anchor
and fall with him to your bottom,
in the hope down there both of us
to meet
But I only see from afar and look at your port,
who sleeps brightly lit and murmurs,
I can only hope that you will come to me
even if you never really saw
I can only hope that you will let me into your harbor
even if i could hurt you
I can only dream
that all of this will eventually pass
And we can look back on ourselves to whisper to each other
"That was us..."

In winter I saw you
And every time I prayed that you weren't just a snowman
through knee-high snow I trudged to you,
and smiled when i recognized you
Because under my touch you were still there
and not melted.
We lay down in the snow and became angels
the sky above us was also in us,
and only that mattered
In the spring I rode my bike to you
To forget it somewhere as soon as I spotted you by the cherry tree.
We ran through the remains of a winter
And discovered a hint of summer in our eyes

In the summer we lay hidden in our meadow,
that stretched out endlessly
in a sea of green.
We walked through the tall grass
to look for us
even though we held hands
we got lost
In the fall you put your hands in front of your face,
and your eyes looked at me through the crevices of your fingers
the world was golden
I found old cherry blossoms on my shoes
you held me in your arms
without a word,
I know I've been going in circles
and you, you couldn't move

In winter I saw you
And prayed softly that you weren't just a snowman
through knee-high snow I trudged to you,
but you stayed motionless
then I realized
it was just a snowman
because when I hugged you
you melted under my warmth
I'm still looking for you
But this winter now reigns in my soul,
every time i think i see you
but you are not here.
I know you are somewhere
but all you left me is snow
You gave your shape to the snow.
And that's all that matters.
In the spring,
there is only memory
in the spring,
that was us.