Rauhnächte Guide - Instructions, customs and rituals for a magical time

With this new post I would like to take you once again and even deeper into the magic of Rauhnächte invite. And you a small one Rauhnächte Provide guidance with customs, meditations and rituals.

Rauhnächte Instructions and Rituals in 2024

At the moment I am writing my first book & workbook about the Rauhnächte. But until then I would like to use this magical time on the blog and give you a first glimpse of my upcoming book. A few years ago I wrote a podcast episode about the Rauhnächten included that you here. can listen to. With this new post I want to take you again and even deeper into the magic of Rauhnächte invite. And you a small one Rauhnächte Provide guidance with customs, meditations and rituals. You will learn the meaning of Rauhnächte, why this time is so special and how you can shape it individually for yourself.

Rauhnächte - A special time

There is always a special magic in the last month of the year. December is not only the Christmas season and New Year's Eve, but also the beginning of the magic Rauhnächte. If you want to know what's up with the Rauhnächten is all about, then I cordially invite you to join me in the footsteps of the nights of rest to shape the end of an old year and the beginning of a new year in a mindful way. I wish you lots of fun with them Rauhnächten and the impulses how you can spend them.

Table of Contents
  1. Rauhnächte Instructions and Rituals in 2024
  2. Rauhnächte - A special time
  3. What are the Rauhnächte? definition and explanation
  4. Rauhnächte Instruction and Rituals: Origin of Rauhnächte
  5. When do the rough nights take place?
  6. Winter solstice: meaning and rituals
  7. Preparation – How can I prepare for the rough nights?
  8. Tools for the rough nights: What you need
  9. Rauhnächte Instructions and rituals: Preparation for the rough nights
  10. Christmas Eve and the Rauhnächte
  11. The first Rauhnacht on 24./25.12. stands for the roots & origin
  12. Rituals in the first Rauhnacht
  13. Second Rauhnacht December 25th/26.12th: Connect with your heart
  14. Rituals for the second Rauhnacht:
  15. Third Rauhnacht December 26th/27.12th: New beginning and joy
  16. Rituals for the third Rauhnacht
  17. Fourth Rauhnacht December 27th/28.12th: ​​April, April, he does what he wants.
  18. Rituals for the fourth Rauhnacht:
  19. Fifth Rauhnacht December 28th/29.12th: Spring Fever
  20. The sixth Rauhnacht December 29th/30.12th: Recognizing and letting go of belief patterns
  21. Rituals for the sixth Rauhnacht:
  22. Seventh Rauhnacht December 30th/31.12st: Toast to a new year
  23. Eighth Rauhnacht 31.12. / 01.01.: New beginning & hope
  24. Rituals for the eighth Rauhnacht
  25. Ninth Rauhnacht 01.01./02.01.: Light, life and realisation
  26. Rituals for the ninth Raunacht
  27. Tenth Rauhnacht 02.01./03.01.: Connection with the creative in you
  28. Rituals for the tenth Rauhnacht
  29. Eleventh Rauhnacht 03.1./04.01.: Everything becomes visible in the dark
  30. Rituals in the eleventh Rauhnacht:
  31. Twelfth Rauhnacht 04.01. on January 05.01th: Night of Miracles and Transformation
  32. Rituals in the twelfth Rauhnacht:
  33. 13. Rauhnacht 05.01. on 06.01.: Epiphany and conclusion of the Rauhnächte
  34. Rituals in the 13th Rauhnacht
  35. Rauhnächte Instructions and rituals as a workbook

What are the Rauhnächte? definition and explanation

The Rauhnächte are considered to be 12 holy nights between Christmas and Epiphany. The 12 nights/days symbolize the coming 12 months of the New Year. It is said that these days can predict the events of the associated month. Therefore, these nights are also called "lot nights", since each night symbolizes a lot for the respective month.

The rough nights are a healing period of stillness and calm. It is a time to look within and gather one's strength, as the plants and trees do in winter, before they can bloom again in their full glory. the Rauhnächte are also the ideal period to set intentions for the coming year and in this way gain more clarity for your own goals and desires in life. This magical time is also great for manifesting one's future and getting in touch with the energies around us. the Rauhnächte sensitize our awareness for the coming year and enable subtle access to help shape and influence it positively.

Rauhnächte Instructions and rituals: origin of Rauhnächte

The term "Raunnacht" comes from the words "rauh" which means "wild" and "smoke" or "to smoke". The concept of the Rauhnächte also to the Middle High German word "ruch", which means something like hairy & furry and refers to the appearance of the demons, which in the Celtic and Germanic tradition are said to be up to mischief at this time. Even today, opinions are divided as to whether it is now Rough nights or smoke nights called. You can go into yourself and decide on the variant that feels right for you.

The origin of Rauhnächte comes from the difference between the days in the solar year, which is 365 days, and the so-called lunar year, which is 354 days. To compensate for this difference, the Celts added eleven leap days, i.e. twelve nights, which would actually not have existed without this addition. Therefore they will Rauhnächte also often as holy nights between the years designated. It is said that on these special days the laws of nature as we know them can be overridden so that the gates to the subtle world are open.

The subconscious is in the Rauhnächten particularly receptive and sensitive to creative impulses. During this time you can therefore pay special attention to your dreams, because it is said that these dreams can come true in the respective month. It is therefore advisable to keep a dream diary during this time and to write down your dreams in detail in order to compare them in the coming months.

Rauhnächte - Guidance, customs and rituals for a magical time

When do the rough nights take place?

There are different statements for the period of the rough nights. According to some traditions, the 12 holy nights begin on the night of December 21st to 22.12nd, at the time of the winter solstice and the longest night of the year. After this calculation, the 12th Rauhnächte on New Year's. However, the calculation of the twelve holy nights from December 24th to December 25th to January 06.01th is particularly widespread. in the coming year.

Winter solstice: meaning and rituals

On December 21st you can already prepare for the rough nights. Because on this day the winter solstice (also called Julnacht) takes place. The longest night of the year not only directs the Rauhnächte but also symbolizes the reincarnation of light. Numerologically, this day even corresponds to the number 9, which in turn stands for rebirth.

This day is a great time to let go of everything that no longer serves you in life. See the 13th wish ritual. After that you can smoke your home and write a wish list for the coming year.

Your ritual for today:

  • The 13th Wish Ritual: Write a wish list for the new year. The so-called is very nice here 13- Wishes Ritual. You write down 13 wishes on a piece of paper. Try to formulate the wishes as positively as possible and in the present. These notes will get you into the Rauhnächten accompany. Every Rauhnacht you will sow a wish in the form of a piece of paper (or a seed), which you put in the ground in the evening with a small blessing.
  • Draw your first oracle card for the coming year
  • smoke your home

Preparation – How can I prepare for the rough nights?

The rough nights are the time of purification and letting go. This period offers the opportunity to free yourself from old ballast in order to welcome the coming year with new freshness.

Tools for the rough nights: What you need

First of all, you only need yourself and the curiosity about what messages the rough nights have in store for you. In addition, if necessary, you can:

  • Prepare incense. For this you can buy already prepared Raunacht ritual sets or put them together yourself.
  • Oracle cards (you can also buy them or you can intuitively create your very own personal oracle card set, instructions can be found on the internet.)

Rauhnächte Instructions and rituals: Preparation for the rough nights

  • Tidying up and cleaning
  • Fumigation your home (suitable for this are sage, myrrh, frankincense, angelica, and juniper)
  • to settle all debts
  • Clarify or resolve conflicts and issues
  • Reflect: what am I grateful for in the old year? what was good for me
  • return borrowed items
  • Ice bathing (if you are not yet used to ice bathing, then be sure to find out what you have to consider when doing it)
  • intestinal cleansing

To you for the coming Rauhnächte prepare, you can not only tidy and clean your home, but also your private affairs in Bring balance and cleanse yourself physically. Whether in the form of an intestinal cure or, for the very courageous, gradually strengthening your own immune system with the help of ice baths. It is best to start with the preparations at the beginning of December so that you can relax and decelerate Rauhnächte to be able to welcome.

The same applies to the preparation: Everything is possible, nothing is neccesary. It's the small steps that have the biggest impact. If you don't have a lot of time available, it's already enough if you "tidy up" and "clean" one area of ​​your life. Be it something unspoken that should be said or that one corner in the room that you've been wanting to clean up for a long time. Your intuition is always the best way to tell what is good for you. To better connect with your gut feeling, you can meditate in the morning or before bed.

Rauhnächte - Guidance, customs and rituals for a magical time

Christmas Eve and the Rauhnächte

On December 24 sees the day under the theme of reflection and review

You can ask yourself what was nice this year, what you learned, what you experienced and what you started and also finished, who you were or are with this year and what questions are still open. What do you want to leave behind and what do you want to take with you into the new year?

From now on, the actual 12 rough nights follow: Now you can write down your dreams directly after waking up.

The first Rauhnacht on 24./25.12. stands for the roots & origin

This rough night is symbolic of January. It is the theme of origin, your roots to your family and your ancestors. As a ritual, you can light a candle for all family members.

Month: January
Theme: roots, origin, grounding
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Capricorn

Questions you can ask yourself this rough night

  • What still wants to be healed in you and how can you heal?
  • What are your goals and wishes for the coming year?
  • What issues, things or relationships would you like to let go of?

Rituals in the first Rauhnacht

  • visualization of your vision
  • Light a candle for each family member
  • Take a bath & smoke the bedroom (sage is well suited for this)

Second Rauhnacht December 25th/26.12th: Connect with your heart

The second rough night is symbolic of February. Overarching themes are connecting with your heart and your higher self. February is the last month of winter before spring begins. You can go within and ask yourself if you've already planted the seed for your New Year's goals and are ready to blossom.

Month: February
Theme: Connection with the voice of your heart
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Aquarius

Questions you can ask yourself this rough night:

  • What is your true passion?
  • Which energies, people & beings should accompany you in the New Year? (Which people, animals, plants, trees, powers, precious stones, colors do you see when you ask yourself this question)?
  • In what environment do you see yourself in the New Year?
  • Are there any open questions?
  • What does inner peace mean to you? Are you at peace with yourself?

Rituals for the second Rauhnacht:

  • Ask in the dream about your power animal and see if and which animal you meet in your sleep
  • Create your vision board for the coming year
  • Meditate, listen to music & dream trips

Third Rauhnacht December 26th/27.12th: New beginning and joy

The third Rauhnacht from December 26th to 27th stands for March. This month symbolizes a new beginning and the start of a new phase. Nature is slowly waking up from its hibernation and appears alive and hopeful. Today's theme of this Rauhnacht is also, like the buds and leaves, to open oneself, to open one's heart for a new beginning and to trust the flow of life.

Month: March
Theme: Gentle blossoming, opening to the wonders of life
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Fishes

Questions you can ask yourself this rough night:

  • When does your heart jump for joy?
  • What is your affair of the heart?
  • Do you know your heart's desires?
  • What does fulfillment mean to you?

Rituals for the third Rauhnacht

  • Flower Heart Meditation: Imagine that your heart is a flower and you can make it blossom with each new breath
  • Gentle yoga
  • Heart-opening asanas

Fourth Rauhnacht December 27th/28.12th: ​​April, April, he does what he wants.

The fourth Rauhnacht stands for April. This month is all about transformation. The energies that are necessary for changes are just as changeable as April. You can ask yourself how you can turn negative into positive and realize which habits have become obsolete. The fourth Rauhnacht is also considered the key night. Today you can let go and dissolve everything that has not gone well in the current year.

Month: April
Thema: transformation, rebirth, new beginning
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Aries

Questions you can ask yourself on the fourth Rauhnacht:

  • how can you let go What helps you?
  • Who or what is good for you? What gives you vitality?
  • Who or what robs you of vitality?
  • How can you turn negative into positive?
  • What old habits do you want to transform?

Rituals for the fourth Rauhnacht:

  • rewrite the negative into something positive. What good sides can you think of? Afterwards, burn the text with the negative wording and thank the fire.
  • Lighthouse Meditation: Replenish your energy and light with the Lighthouse Meditation

Fifth Rauhnacht December 28th/29.12th: Spring Fever

The fifth Rauhnacht stands symbolically for May. In May, spring reaches its peak: everything blooms and comes to life. Pleasant temperatures lure us outside this month. We meet up with friends and loved ones. Therefore May stands in the spirit of friendship, love and forgiveness. If I forgive myself, I forgive the world. When I'm gentle with myself, the world becomes much gentler.

Month: May
Theme: Friendship & self-love
Astrological sign of the zodiac: bull

Questions you can ask yourself in the fifth Rauhnacht:

  • Who do you like to spend time with?
  • Who are your friends?
  • Do you feel an intense connection with your friends?
  • are you a good friend to yourself?
  • How can you lovingly accept yourself and do something good for yourself every day?
  • Is there something you want to forgive yourself?
  • What step does it take to forgive yourself?

Rituals for the fifth Rauhnacht:

  • Do a forgiveness ritual such as Ho'oponopono. Ho oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing and forgiveness practice. It consists of the following simple four mantras:
    • I am sorry
    • Please forgive me
    • Thank you very much
    • I love you
  • Spend time with your favorite people

The sixth Rauhnacht December 29th/30.12th: Recognizing and letting go of belief patterns

The sixth Rauhnacht symbolizes the first summer month of June. With her we are already in the middle of the Rauhnächte arrived and thus also in the middle of the coming year. Spring turns into summer in a smooth transition. The days are getting longer and the nights shorter. On June 21st we celebrate the longest day and shortest night of the year with the summer solstice (also called midsummer night). With this day we reflect on both the light and the dark sides. Because everything in life is not only transient, but also shaped by duality. Midsummer night is the moment of duality and absolute presence.

You can honor this magical, energetic moment with a campfire on the sixth Rauhnacht. It is also a time to find closure for outdated and outdated issues that no longer fit your present time but that you may still be emotionally attached to due to old hurts and beliefs. Recognize these patterns in the glow of the fire and let them go into the shortest night of the year.

Month: June
Theme: cleansing, letting go, balance, review
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Twins

Questions you can ask yourself in the sixth Rauhnacht:

  • What issues in your heart are not yet taken?
  • What do you want to free yourself from?
  • What does your soul really long for?

Rituals for the sixth Rauhnacht:

  • Contact your family and send them good thoughts
  • Bless your ancestors
  • campfire meditation: Imagine a huge warm fire in the forest and how you can throw all the wounds and ballast from your soul into this fire and how with each release you feel lighter and relieved until the energy of the fire has manifested in you and you yourself have now ignited a flame within you, a light that leads you again and again to this inner power place of your soul

Seventh Rauhnacht December 30th/31.12st: Toast to a new year

The seventh Rauhnacht stands for July. We celebrate December 31.12st. with friends and family and bless the new year. Whom can you wish happiness, what are your own wishes? And how would you like to greet the new year? This night is all about the red color. So you can have your red panties ready, because they're supposed to bring luck 😊

Month: July
Theme: family, homeland, home, new beginnings, feminine energy, emotions
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Cancer

Questions you can ask yourself on the seventh Rauh night

  • What is your intention and vision for the new year?
  • What goals do you want to achieve?
  • What do you really want?
  • do you take good care of yourself
  • Which of your qualities do you want to strengthen, which ones do you want to let go of?
  • How would you like to express your feelings?
  • are you living your truth
  • Do you know your real needs?

Rituals for the seventh Rauhnacht

  • You can prepare for the new year & relax
  • Take a bath & wash off the old
  • Feel free to take your time in caring for and caring for your own body
  • Today you can read a good book or draw oracles
  • Red underwear is said to bring good luck
Rauhnächte - Guidance, customs and rituals for a magical time

Eighth Rauhnacht 31.12. / 01.01.: New beginning & hope

Happy New Year! From December 31st to January 1st we celebrate a new beginning. The eighth Rauhnacht corresponds to the month of August, i.e. the peak of summer. August is considered the month of abundance, joy, life energy and the sun. The sun stands for vitality and male energy, which you can integrate into your day today. Sometimes at the end of August there is already a hint of autumn. And it is precisely this breath that stands for the transition between completion and a new beginning in the eighth Rauhnacht.

Month: Aug
Theme: vitality, masculine energy, new beginnings, hope, abundance, life energy, accomplishment
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Lion

Questions you can ask yourself in the eighth Rauhnacht

  • How would you like to feel about this new year?
  • Which contacts are important to you?
  • Who do you want to wish a Happy New Year and your blessings?
  • Can you believe in yourself and trust yourself?
  • What dreams do you want to realize?

Rituals for the eighth Rauhnacht

  • You can bless the year with a prayer
  • Send blessings and good luck to your loved ones, give lucky symbols such as four-leaf clovers
  • New Year's walk: It is the ideal time to meet friends and go into nature together
  • Breathe in the air of the New Year consciously and mindfully

Ninth Rauhnacht 01.01./02.01.: Light, life and realisation

With January 02nd, everyday life slowly begins for many people. Maybe you can already feel it too, because the energy of the Rauhnächte has already changed in the new year. While up New Year's the Rauhnächte have gently asked us to go inside and we have found our strength in the silence, they devote themselves Rauhnächte in the New Year, above all, the manifestation of our dearest wishes. We can now slowly feel our way into the energy of this new year and choose our own pace that resonates with the soul. However, it is important not to rush things now, because we are still energetically in winter. What does that mean specifically?

It's good to leave your footprints in the fresh snow, but we don't have to run a marathon right away. Instead, we can continue to recharge our batteries to run the marathon of our dreams in the warmer months. Because, as is well known, nothing works without preparation. The ninth Rauhnacht is associated with September, a month between summer and autumn. A time also called the 5th season. It is the time of enjoyment and preparation for the harvest. In September we are often spoiled with summery temperatures and lots of sunshine. The world is bathed in a golden warm light, reminding us that every beginning deserves fulfillment.

Month: Sept
Theme: Structure, reorientation, first steps, renewal, patience, loving acceptance 
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Virgo

Questions you can ask yourself in the ninth Rauhnacht:

  • Who can you give warmth to?
  • What do you want to achieve this year? Why?
  • What do you want to harvest in the new year?
  • Do you listen to your intuition?
  • what are your visions
  • What is good for your health?

Rituals for the ninth Raunacht

  • You can light candles and pray for your heart's desires in the candlelight
  • Do exercises to strengthen your solar plexus, e.g. with certain asanas like the bow (Dhanurasana) and the chair (Utkatasana)
  • stars meditation: Please listen to my meditation "The Song of the Stars" an

Tenth Rauhnacht 02.01./03.01.: Connection with the creative in you

So slowly it goes to the final sprint Rauhnächte. The tenth Rauhnacht is symbolically linked to the month of October. As the month of autumn, October reminds us of transience. The leaves of the trees have already turned the most beautiful shades of gold and red and the forests are in their most beautiful golden robe before winter begins. It is the time of farewell and gratitude. What are you particularly grateful for and how did they Rauhnächte felt for you so far?

Month: October
Theme: Gratitude, mindfulness, balance, farewell, wisdom, knowledge, impermanence
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Scale

Questions you can ask yourself during the 10th Rauhnacht:

  • How would you like to use your time?
  • Are there areas in your life that are exhausted?
  • What do you want to create now?
  • How do you want this year to feel?
  • are you living your values
  • Do you feel balanced and what can you do to stay in balance?
  • Do you feel the creative in you?

Rituals for the tenth Rauhnacht

  • During this time you can integrate the idea that impermanence is part of the flow of life. The easier it is for you to let go, the easier it will be for you to take the first steps into a new future. Just as the trees let go of their leaves in autumn, you can let go just as naturally
  • Create a vision board with all the things you want to achieve this year
  • Connect with your own creativity by beginning to express yourself in the material world. Your creative power can be expressed, for example, through painting, writing, making music, taking photos or dancing, but also by starting a new project. Now is the time to lay the foundation for the realization of your ideas.

Eleventh Rauhnacht 03.1./04.01.: Everything becomes visible in the dark

The eleventh night corresponds to November on an energetic level. A month that many people find challenging. It is a time of farewell, introspection and letting go. The days have become noticeably shorter, darkness is falling. But as the saying goes: everything only becomes visible in the dark. We need the darkness to see the meaning of the light. In English, November sometimes becomes a play on words – NO-Vember.

November stands for healthy boundaries that can be drawn in this month. Not only is it okay to say no, sometimes it is necessary to say no to any distractions that don't serve us. Saying no can be incredibly liberating and powerful for your life. Whenever you formulate a powerful NO to all the things or relationships that are not good for you, you are also saying a loving YES to your own needs, goals and dreams.

November is a challenging month for many people.

Month: Nov
Theme: Meaning, truthfulness, farewell and death, ancestors, subtle world
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Scorpio

Questions you can ask yourself in the eleventh Rauhnacht:

  • What's the meaning of your life? What meaning do you give your life?
  • What do you want to bring into the world?
  • What is your attitude towards death?
  • What is finally over?
  • What can you say goodbye to now?

Rituals in the eleventh Rauhnacht:

  • Deep sleep meditation to be able to let go on a subconscious level
  • Gentle yoga before breakfast
  • walk in nature
  • Honor your ancestors by lighting candles for them

Twelfth Rauhnacht 04.01. on January 05.01th: Night of Miracles and Transformation

The twelfth Rauhnacht corresponds to the winter month of December, the darkest month of the year. The last rough night is also known as the night of miracles. On an energetic level it is the time of closure, forgiveness and inner peace. Because December is so dark, we light lights and candles during this time as a symbol of hope, warmth and charity. December 21st is the winter solstice, which is also celebrated as the rebirth of light. Because now a new cycle and a new chapter begins.

You may have perceived the last few days and nights intensively and used the time for yourself to perceive and understand yourself more intensively. All these insights now want to be processed and also need the necessary time to settle. You may feel a little tired and drained now, but that's perfectly okay. You can now review the last few days and nights. At the end of the day, take a look at your dream diary entries and thank yourself for giving yourself this loving attention. On the night of January 4th to 5th you can do anything in the Rauhnächten didn't go so well, cleanse, dissolve and transform. Write down everything negative that should no longer have a place in your soul and burn the note. Now rewrite everything negative into something positive and bless this note.

Month: December
Theme: growth, maturity, spirit, creative development, transformation
Astrological sign of the zodiac: Protect

Rituals in the twelfth Rauhnacht:

  • Write down anything that is bothering you in any way. Take another piece of paper and rephrase everything negative into positive. Then you burn the note with the negative.
  • Now you can smoke your home again
  • Hear the story when you get a chance “The king and his four wives " on.

Questions you can ask yourself in the twelfth Raunhacht:

  • What can you take away from the previous nights?
  • How did they Rauhnächte felt for you?
  • What went well, what didn't go so well?
  • What is weighing on your soul?
  • What parts of you still want to be healed?
  • are you living your true self?
  • Are you living your potential?

13. Rauhnacht 05.01. on 06.01.: Epiphany and conclusion of the Rauhnächte

In the thirteenth Rauhnacht the circle closes. At midnight it is said that the gates to the subtle world close again. They remain open a crack in the winter. This gap reminds us to get back to basics, to stop and smell "the flowers". Because the subtle world is never completely closed to us. The more we are in the being state and are mindful of ourselves and our environment, the more we can perceive this profound connection to the subtle world and draw strength from it.

Questions you can ask yourself during the 13th Rauhnacht

  • Which doors do you want to open?
  • How can you connect with the subtle world in everyday life?
  • How is your relationship with the subtle world? can you perceive them

Rituals in the 13th Rauhnacht

  • Go for a walk and take in nature and your surroundings very consciously and mindfully
  • Open all the doors in your house for a while to welcome a new chapter in your life
Rauhnächte guidance and rituals

Rauhnächte Instructions and rituals as a workbook

I wish you a lot of joy, curiosity and peace with yours Rauhnächten. If you go deeper into the magic of Rauhnächte and immerse yourself in the associated rituals and opportunities, then subscribe to my newsletter. You will get a notification as soon as my Rauhnächte Workbook appears.

Digital Message in a Bottle – The free newsletter from Petit Chapeau

This book not only gives you an intensive insight into the power of Rauhnächte, but also includes a dream journal with a calendar and illustrated affirmations for each Rauhnächten. You can find more information about incense and the right incense in my article “The right incense for them Rauhnächte".