Living the Tiny Dream – Small dreams, big ones


With the small version of your dream to more clarity

What if I told you that starting today you can already fulfill part of your big dream yourself? what would your life be like How would you feel? how would you act What would your everyday life look like? And above all: What would your daily tasks be?

"Never stop dreaming!" yelled the squeaky voice on TV. "Yes!" my girlfriend and I answered in unison while trying to imitate Sailor Moon's intricate magic of transformation while rolling on the floor laughing. "Never give up!" my father said to me every time we sat on a seemingly unsolvable math problem and I still didn't understand anything. "Do your best!" my teacher said, although I had already sewn the sleeve of my shirt onto the teddy we were supposed to sew at school.

Which hero motivated you as a child to believe in your dreams?

We all have dreams. We've been dreaming since childhood. We dream of our life, of success and of everything that we long for. Much more still: In the dream we give concrete colors, forms and situations to our desires. We imagine what our life would be like if this dream were finally a reality. A dream feels good! It is like a hot chocolate in winter, like a lifeline in an emergency and like a parking space in the right place at the right time. And the wonderful thing about dreams is that we can fulfill them ourselves. Fulfilling big dreams is a mammoth task. Like a giant iceberg.

Often we only see the imposing tip but not the massive extent of this iceberg under the water. To fulfill a dream, it helps to go deeper and dive into the unknown. This can challenge, prompt and even scare. But the world belongs to the courageous and, above all, their fulfilled dreams belong to them. But which dream is really your dream? Sometimes we can't see the real dream because we're dreaming. Or just have an idea of ​​the dream without knowing what the fulfillment of that dream would really mean. As we get older, it can even happen that we stop dreaming with the heart and our ego takes over. Gradually, supposedly big dreams push themselves into consciousness, the fulfillment of which would not necessarily make us happy.

At some point I was able to sew a stuffed animal with a lot of effort and tears, but after that it was clear to me that my original dream of becoming a fashion designer did not feel as exciting in practice on the sewing machine as I had imagined. Not every dream is a heart's desire. But how can you find out if the big dream you've been dreaming of for so long is actually your heart's desire? Simply by living the Tiny Dream, the small version of your dream.

What is the Tiny Dream?

The tiny dreams is your big dream in a small format. For example, do you want to be a writer? Then let's go! From now on you write every day, you regularly read countless books and take seminars on creative writing. That means: From now on you decide to live the everyday life of a writer with all its ups and downs. After a while, however, you realize that writing is exhausting, you can't think of the right words, you don't earn a cent with your work and you feel increasingly isolated from your environment due to your desk work. You might realize, "It wasn't my dream to be a writer, it was just the romantic notion of it."


Now you have two options: either you give up the dream or you move on. Since you have noticed that it is not your true dream after all, you can now live and test another dream on a smaller scale every day. However, if you don't let a low get you down and want to keep writing no matter what, because you want to write, because it's a deep urge that is stronger than any doubt, then sooner or later you will become a writer too. And that's the secret behind dreams come true: Years of passion, discipline and hard work that are often no longer visible behind the brilliant fulfillment of your dream.

As soon as your novel ends up in the bestseller lists, it seems as if a newcomer author suddenly appeared out of nowhere on the writer Olympus. But the years of writing, the countless manuscripts, the desperation and doubts as well as the financial insecurity initially remain hidden from the readers. Very few people will find out that it might not even be the first but already the fifth book by the “new” author. But it is only thanks to the fulfillment of your Tiny Dream that you have come to the fulfillment of your big dream.

"To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow." Audrey Hepburn

Just try it out for yourself! Try to do the maximum possible for your dream every day and live as if your dream has already come true! Why ask yourself "What if?" when you can take the first step towards fulfilling your heart's desire today. Dare and above all trust yourself: You are the seed from which a tree can grow. You are the creator of your own life. You can design and see it however you want. Don't wait for the perfect moment to start. He may never come. The perfect moment is in your actions, today and every day. With these fulfilled days, weeks, months and years you will gradually fulfill your big dream.

You may not see the result today, maybe not in a week, and maybe only minimally in a few months. But stay tuned! A gardener plants the seed for a tree, knowing that no tree can grow overnight. At least not immediately visible. But he keeps watering the seeds, protecting the spot where he planted them and watching as little by little something wonderful grows, bigger, more beautiful and more impressive. No gardener ever says, "Oh, that's still not a big, strong tree! I stop watering the sprout.” No, he knows that something great takes time, care and patience. And above all, faith in the future.

Summary of the Tiny Dream

Here again the summary of the wonderful advantages of a Tiny Dreams:

  1. You are getting closer to your big dream
  2. You deal with your dream daily and intensively
  3. You recognize which tasks arise, whether you can master these tasks and, above all, WANT
  4. You get clarity about your true desires
  5. You get to know yourself better
  6. You are fully focused on the present and open to the future
    1. Dear Milli,

      Thank you! Yes, that's right, happiness is not a condition, but a conscious decision 🙂
      Have a wonderful day!

      Best regards,

  1. Oh wow, what a beautiful and motivating text! And it's definitely a good way to find out if your dream is really your dream. 🙂

    1. Hello Luisa,

      That's a wonderful little dream, I would also like to learn the guitar 🙂 I think it's great that you are now tackling your dream! I wish you every success with it.

      Best regards,

  2. A really great, inspiring post!
    You often read something similar in books that deal with this topic - that you should break down goals and to-do's into small bites so that you don't lose heart. In small stages to a big dream - let's go! 🙂

    1. Exactly, let's go! The small to-do's and goals in life are very easy to implement in everyday life and lead to wonderful results over time 🙂

      Best regards,

  3. What a wonderful post and so incredibly inspiring. It's so funny every now and then, just yesterday I had a long conversation with my sweetheart about dreams. We watched the film “The Greatest Showman” again and one song is about these big dreams and I think, regardless of whether you can fulfill them or not, it's just nice to dream, because in mine Everything is possible in your mind. I wish you a fantastic new week, all the best, x S.Mirli

    1. Thank you very much for your wonderful words! That's how it is and everything starts with a thought 🙂 I wish you a wonderful and sunny weekend!
      May all your dreams come true someday!

    1. Thank you dear Dory. If you like, you can tell us about your experiences with the Tiny Dream 🙂

      Best regards,

  4. A wonderful post dear Lina!
    It is precisely this advice that I should rather take to heart; that it takes time! I also stray far too often from my path to please others - but you should pursue your dream, no matter how unreal it may seem. Full of heart's blood ahead 😉
    Dearest greetings
    Janine from

    1. Dear Janine,

      Thank you <3! Yes, the focus is very important, even if it is only on a small scale, but with every new step you get closer to your dream 🙂

      Sunny greetings,

  5. Great perspective that you describe here gave me a real boost of motivation to tackle my dream project step by step. thank you lina

    1. Dear Lena Marie,

      I am very happy about that 🙂 you will definitely come at least one step closer to your dream project.

      Best regards,