How to Make My Own Instagram Filter (Step-by-Step Guide)

You have probably already noticed the AR (Augmented Reality) filter trend on Instagram. But did you know that you can create your own Instagram filter yourself? Since August 2019, not only selected content creators have the opportunity to create their own filter for Instagram and Facebook, but every Instagram user who wants to. I'll explain how to do this in my little tutorial.

You've probably already heard of that AR (Augmented Reality) filters Catch trend on Instagram. But did you know that you can create your own Instagram filter yourself? Since August 2019, not only selected content creators have the opportunity to create their own filter for Instagram and Facebook, but every Instagram user who wants to. I'll explain how to do this in my little tutorial.

There are no limits to your creativity. However, I would like to offer you an easy start and have therefore created a tutorial for you on how to give your stories an atmospheric look. You can see what such a filter can look like on mine Instagram profile.

Create Instagram filters: Spark AR Studio

First of all, you need this free program Spark AR Studio from Facebook. You can simply download it here and then install it: Facebook Spark AR Studio

Step-by-step guide: How to create your own Instagram filter

After you have installed and opened Spark AR Studio, you must first log in with your Facebook account. You will then be shown a selection of different effect templates - we create a new project and click on CreateProject.

On the left sidebar you will see a Camera icon. Here you can choose from various real-time simulations or you can use your own integrated webcam to test the effect on yourself.

By you +AddObject click, you can, as the name suggests, add various objects to your filter (e.g. the frequently used face mash). About the Library icon At the bottom left you can also import various 3D objects directly into your project. However, we do not need this object for our color correction filter today.

In the following I will explain step-by-step how to make your own Ambient filter / mood filter created for Instagram. If you follow the individual steps exactly, with a little patience you will soon have your own Instagram filter.

1. Create filters for Instagram (using so-called LUTs)

In order to give your filter a great and effective color correction, you need so-called LUTs (= Look Up Tables). These are presets for color correction and color grading. LUT are not tied to a specific program (such as the popular Lightroom presets) but can be used in many different programs (Adobe Premiere, Adobe Photoshop, Final Cut, AfterEffects or even in the program we use: Spark AR Studio) .

Has a great tutorial on how to use Color LUTs in Spark AR Josh Beckwith created. Here you can find it Link to his patch.

Download the project on Github and first pull the patch into your assets. The patch is called FastColorLUT.arp. Don't be surprised, depending on the computing power of your PC or laptop, this can take a while.

Then we open it patch editor. To do this, we go to View and then auf Show Patch Editor (alternatively via CTL+Alt+P). Now you can simply drag the FastColorLUT patch into the editor.

2. Add textures for color correction

Next, add one of the textures from your assets and drag that into the patch editor as well. You can now use the + symbol to dock the newly added texture with the patch's LUT. Your patch now has the texture you selected as a look up table.

Now you create a canvas: You can add a canvas by right-clicking in your Scene. Then right-click again on Canvas and then Add Add Plane. Click on Scale in the pane on the right so the size shows up at the bottom of your patch editor.

3. Adjust the canvas area to the (device) screen

Now it is important that you always give the area the correct size. There is also a suitable patch for this on Github (Download). Add the Fit2Screen patch to your project and then drag it into the Patch Editor as well. Connect the patch via Scale to the size of the area (3D Scale). You should now change the multiplier in the patch from 100 to 0.1.

Now you draw this Device into the Patch Editor and connect Screen Size and screen scale with the Fit2Screen patch.

4. Add texture to camera

Now we need to add the camera texture to our assets. To do this, click on Camera under Device and then on Texture Extraction in the right-hand menu and you already have the camera texture in your assets. Drag this back into the patch editor and connect RGBA to the remaining texture field of the FastColourLUT patch.

We switch back to our plane and click on Enable for Materials. We set Shader Type to Flat. We drag the texture into the patch editor by clicking on the arrow to the left and arrange it to the right of the LUT patch and connect the patch to the material texture. Tadaaa, it's almost done.

If you have performed all steps correctly, your patch editor should look like this:

Spark AR Studio: Create your own AR filters for Instagram and Facebook for free

Upload Instagram Filter: How do I publish my filter?

Via the <strong>integrated datalog</strong> the measuring values can be stored on the humimeter RH5 paper moisture meter and additional data can be added. You also have the possibility to use the Autolog function. This function automatically saves measuring values in adjustable time intervals. Spark AR Hub you can publish your filters and get interesting insights into the use of your filter. All you have to do is upload the filter to the hub and provide some information (category, name, icon, preview video) about your filter.

I would recommend you to start with Test filters on your smartphone. In the Spark AR Studio you will find the device symbol on the left side and then click on Sent to App. You will receive the test link directly from the app and, if you like it, you can create a preview video. We will need this later in the upload process.

Step-by-step instructions: Upload Instagram filters to Spark AR Hub

Needed time: 20 Minutes

Now that we have created a great environment filter for your Instagram account, we still have to upload it. Proceed as follows:

  1. Use Facebook login

    Log into the Spark AR Hub with your Facebook account. This is the link:

  2. Upload the effect to the Spark AR Hub

    Click under the “Manage Effects” menu item upload effect

  3. On which platform do you want to upload your filter

    Click on Select destinationto specify where to upload your filter. You can choose between Facebook, Facebook Ads or Instagram. Choose the latter.

  4. Assign names for filters

    In the next step, give your filter a great name.

  5. Upload filter icon

    First you have to give your filter an icon. The image for this should be square, have dimensions of at least 200×200 and maximum 700×700 and be in JPG or PNG format. The maximum file size is 1 MB.

  6. Upload effect file

    The maximum max size for the effect is 40 MB. In order to achieve an optimal range with your effect, you should keep the file as small as possible.

  7. Discover filters: set category & upload demo video

    Here you can select the category in which your effect should be found (e.g. color & light or mood etc....) You also need a demo video to be able to present your effect on Instagram. Important: The video must have been recorded with the Instagram camera, must not be edited and be no longer than 15 seconds. The maximum file size is 32 MB.

Reviewing your effect may take a while after you submit your effect. Facebook specifies a maximum duration of 5 working days for this.

And now I wish you a lot of fun creating your own Instagram filter. Let me know in the comments if my instructions helped you.
your lina

PS: There are more tips in my new blog category Tips and tricks. For example how you yours Duplicate WordPress site or Book a cheap rental car .

The latest Instagram filters

moody jam


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  1. You see these filters a lot at the moment and there are really a few great ones! I've often seen that it's quite time-consuming to create some... but I find the topic super interesting! Now I just need a little more time... 😉

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