Set WordPress home page
Sometimes it's just the simplest-sounding things that present you with a hurdle. Today I would like to explain to you how you can create yours in three steps Set WordPress home page or change can. It won't take you 5 minutes - I promise!
Step-by-step guide to set your WordPress homepage
There are various options for defining your WordPress homepage. Either you choose one static side, which you build with page builders like Elementor or WordPress Bakery, for example, or you leave your start page dynamically populate with your latest posts.
Needed time: 3 Minutes
Setting the home page of your WordPress site will take you no more than 3 minutes. Proceed as follows:
- Log into WordPress via WP Admin
First of all, log into the backend of your WordPress site.
- Settings > Reading > Shows your homepage
Navigate via the sidebar via the menu item Settings in the Read Area. Here you will find the heading “Your homepage shows”. You now have two options for what you want to display on your WordPress homepage.
- Static page or recent posts (dynamic home page)
Via the option static side you can use the drop-down menu below to select which of your built pages should be displayed as the start page. The option Latest Posts means that your homepage as a blog is always is dynamically filled with your latest posts.
Build static page as WordPress start page
I recommend building a new page for your WordPress homepage. There are many so-called page builders that can help you with this. A few examples of page builders, all of which I think are very good and serve their purpose: Elementor or Divi. My personal favorite is Elementor, but everyone has to make that decision for themselves.
If you run a blog, you can also add dynamic elements, such as your latest posts, to this static page. This combines the first option (dynamic display of your latest posts) with a professionally built and designed start page.
Dynamic homepage in WordPress
If you opt for the first option of the dynamic start page (show recent posts), you have significantly fewer options when it comes to designing your start page. You can then only set the number of posts that are displayed (e.g. the last 15 posts). In addition, you can decide whether the post should be displayed with the entire text or just a short version.
I hope this article has helped you to decide on a variant and you now know how to set the start page of your WordPress site or change it afterwards. I welcome comments and opinions! your lina
PS: You can find more tips for your WordPress site in mine Tips & Tricks category. For example, here I show you how to make yours Duplicate WordPress Pages or Posts .